Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Data Types in java

Data Types in java

Data Types in java

Java variables are used to reserve memory locations to store values. It means when you create a variable you reserve some space in memory. Space allocation depend upon data type of a variable and operating system allocates memory and decide what to be store in reserved memory. Java
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3D File Formats

3D File Formats

3D File Formats
This article is discussing the most economical and best 3D file formats. This tutorial is very useful for the beginners and are in a state of confusion to select the best 3D file formats.  Here is very basic information about most common 3D file format to transport data among different
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Linux - basic commands

Linux - basic commands

Linux - basic commands

Linux is the most used Operating System for servers and the feature that is most fascinating is Command Line. Command Line is a program that is used to run commands and system interpret these commands.

Here are some beginner commands that a new Linux user can use in his learning. In Linux file name and commands are case sensitive.

There are "\" and "/" those are important to understand. "\" is used to escape characters while "/" is directory separator.

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Why Java?

Why Java?

Why Java?
Why Java?
Simple Language : Java is greatly simplified, improved and many technology experts recommends Java as C++ because its syntax is identical to that of C++ except java eliminated complex features of C++. Java came up with more functionality  and fewer negative aspects. Java has English
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Saturday, 10 December 2016

Ogre 3D File Format

Ogre 3D File Format

Ogre 3D File Format
OGRE 3D files are XML files use to store 3D model information. Tools such as Maya, 3D Max facilitate users to export file into OGRE 3D file format. Following files contain different information about model.

.mesh.xml File : This file contains the information of mesh's  contains the i
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Linux - basic commands

Linux - basic commands

Linux - basic commands

Linux is the most used Operating System for servers and the feature that is most fascinating is Command Line. Command Line is a program that is used to run commands and system interpret these commands.

Here are some beginner commands that a new Linux user can use in his learning. In Linux file name and commands are case sensitive.

There are "\" and "/" those are important to understand. "\" is used to escape characters while "/" is directory separator.

Read More about it from the following link : posted by Maz

Why Java?

Why Java?

Why Java?
Why Java?
Simple Language : Java is greatly simplified, improved and many technology experts recommends Java as C++ because its syntax is identical to that of C++ except java eliminated complex features of C++. Java came up with more functionality  and fewer negative aspects. Java has English
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3D File Formats

3D File Formats

3D File Formats
This article is discussing the most economical and best 3D file formats. This tutorial is very useful for the beginners and are in a state of confusion to select the best 3D file formats.  Here is very basic information about most common 3D file format to transport data among different
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Java 3D Game Engine

Java 3D Game Engine

Java 3D Game Engine
This article is written to introduce popular java 3D gaming engines. I was searching for a suitable 3D gaming engine and faced many issues to choose the proper gaming engines. This article will help java programmers to choose a proper 3D gaming engine according to their work
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Set Java Class Path and Run from Command Prompt

Set Java Class Path and Run from Command Prompt

Set Java Class Path and Run from Command Prompt

Why do you need ?

If you are interested to run your java programs manually by writing code in notepad then you are required to configure java CLASSPATH. Java run time environment needs to know the path of your code and additional libraries required to run the program successfully. To
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Ogre 3D File Format

Ogre 3D File Format

Ogre 3D File Format
OGRE 3D files are XML files use to store 3D model information. Tools such as Maya, 3D Max facilitate users to export file into OGRE 3D file format. Following files contain different information about model.

.mesh.xml File : This file contains the information of mesh's  contains the i
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Thursday, 8 December 2016

Modern Java IDEs

Modern Java IDEs

Modern Java IDEs

What is Java IDE?

Modern Integrated Development Environments (IDE) are design to enhance the capabilities of programmer by providing the features of authoring, compiling, debugging and deploying programs under a single environment. The main idea behind modern IDE is to setup development
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How to setup eclipse for java

How to setup eclipse for java

How to setup eclipse for java

How to setup eclipse for java
Installing eclipse require's few easy steps. Eclipse is a java based application and requires Java run time environment (JRE) to run it.

Installing JVM

Download java development kit (JDK) or java run time environment (JRE) from here to install java
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Linux - SSH using Terminal via Port

Linux - SSH using Terminal via Port

Linux - SSH using Terminal via Port

If we have to connect to a remote server using SSH then we can do it using following command.
Suppose we have remote server IP as and username as root

ssh root@

If we need to specify some port then we can do as under. suppose our port number is 2233

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Mysql - Regex Operator

Mysql - Regex Operator

Mysql - Regex Operator

In Mysql if we want to run a query that has condition like record should start with 'D' or 'E'.
Normally we use Like Operator.

select * from tablename where name like 'D%' OR name like 'E%'

But using REGEX in MySql we can get same result without using OR in query

select * from
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Mysql - disabling and enabling foreign key checks

Mysql - disabling and enabling foreign key checks

Mysql - disabling and enabling foreign key checks

Recently I was working on a project in which I have to truncate tables in database. But due to foreign key constraints MySQL was throwing errors.
So the solution I found was to disable Foreign Key constraints temporarily delete all data and then again enable the foreign keys.

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Yii Framework- Creating hidden field

Yii Framework- Creating hidden field

Yii Framework- Creating hidden field

In Yii framework we can create a hidden field using model and without model as described below

1. Creating hidden field without model.

echo CHtml::hiddenField('name' , 'value', array('id' => 'name'));

2. Creating hidden field with model.

echo $form->hiddenField($model,
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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

mongoDB - Foreground Index Vs Background Index

mongoDB - Foreground Index Vs Background Index

mongoDB - Foreground Index Vs Background Index

Foreground Index Vs Background Index

By default an index in MongoDB is Foreground index and while an index is a foreground index it will block all other writers (i-e no other process can write to collection), We can build it in background so that it will not block other
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MongoDB - Sparse Index

MongoDB - Sparse Index

MongoDB - Sparse Index

We can create indexes on a collection's fields but what happens when we are creating an index and that key is not present more then one document in that collection.

Suppose we have a collection with following documents
1. a:1, b:2, c:3

2. a:1, b:2

3. a:1, b:2
If we create an index on c then for document 1 it will be ok but for document 2 and 3 c's value will be

c=null (c= null) will be in both 2 and 3 documents, but unique means that a key will have unique value for each document so DB will not create a unique index for this collection .
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MongoDB - Unique Index

MongoDB - Unique Index

MongoDB - Unique Index

MongoDB allows us to specify a unique constraint on an index. These constraints  will prevent an  application from inserting documents that have duplicate values for the inserted fields.

Suppose we have  a collection named  things in a database stuff.
A u
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MongoDB - creating and viewing indexes

MongoDB - creating and viewing indexes

MongoDB - creating and viewing indexes

According to definition from Wikipedia , A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of additional writes and the use of more storage space to maintain the extra copy of data. Indexes are used to quickly locate data without having to search every row in a database table every time a database table is accessed.

Data is stored on disk based storage devices as block of data. These disk block of data are stored much  like linked lists. When we perform a linear search on a field that is not sorted then database have to perform N/2 accesses.

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PHP - Create folder and a file in the folder

PHP - Create folder and a file in the folder

PHP - Create folder and a file in the folder

I worked on a project in that project we have to create folders and then files in that folders. is_dir is a function that checks whether a directory exists or not.  mkdir creates a driectory, file_put_contents is a function that create file and places   contents in that file.

Following th
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Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Node JS - Reading command line input

Node JS - Reading command line input

Node JS - Reading command line input

In languages like c++,  java we can take command line input from user using standard i/o libraries. But JavaScript is used in browser and we never need to take input from user on command line, here Node JS fills the gap using its own libraries know as modules.
To read More about from here posted by Techy

MySql - search and replace a string in a column

MySql - search and replace a string in a column

MySql - search and replace a string in a column

If we and to search some specific string inside our column data and replace it with other string then we can use replace query of MySql.

Suppose table name is 'users' and we want to search city column with a value 'London' and replace it with 'New York'
update users set city =
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PHP - PDO select records from MySql

PHP - PDO  select records from MySql

PHP - PDO select records from MySql

As Zend has announce not to support mysql_* functions in future version's of PHP (from PHP 5.5 and onwords). So now these functions will be deprecated.  So now developers should try to use PDO or MySqli extension of  PHP. Here is a small code snippet showing how to select records from Database using PDO.

To read More about from here posted by Maz

Monday, 5 December 2016

3D text effect in Photoshop

3D text effect in Photoshop

3D text effect in Photoshop

Step 1: Create a New Document
To begin, let's create a brand new Photoshop document. Go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose New, or for a quicker way, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac).

Whichever way you choose, Photoshop pops up the New Document dialog box. Enter the size you need for your document. For this tutorial, I'm going to enter a Width of 6 inches, a Height of 4 inches, and a Resolution of 300 pixels/inch, which is a standard resolution for professional quality printing.
To read More about from here posted by Techy

Introduction to MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB


MongoDB is an Open source schema less database. It is also known as NoSQL database.
It is different from conventional Relational databases like MySql, Oracle, Sql Server.
MongoDB is a data store of JSON documents.

JSON  stands Javascript Object Notation and  is a t
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YII - Changing Language

YII - Changing Language

YII - Changing Language

If we want to change language of a particular action in YII or for the whole application we need to , set CApplication::language . This can be done at runtime as in
Yii::app()->language = 'fr';
but we can also do it in application configuration:
// ...settings...

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JQuery - How go to anchor tag without showing hashtag in URL

JQuery - How go to anchor tag without showing hashtag in URL

JQuery - How go to anchor tag without showing hashtag in URL

We use named anchors or # tags to access certain part of  a page like Now clicking on this tag will take user to this tag but it will show whole url in address bar.

If we want not to show # url in address bar but want to use named anchors. Use Jquery to
To read More about from here posted by Techy

What is Node.JS

What is Node.JS

What is Node.JS

Node.js is an upcoming  new technology that has already got a lot of attention. Top notch tech companies like  Microsoft, VMWare, Ebay, Yahoo, and many more are using node. Node.js is the amazing skill to open up new career opportunities  for a  programmer.

To read More about from here posted by Techy

PHP - Introduction

PHP - Introduction

PHP - Introduction

What is PHP
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. PHP was developed by Rasmus Lerdrof in 1994.
Here are some features of PHP that makes it one of the popular languages in world of web development.

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Augmenting Parser - Adding Java Code

Augmenting Parser - Adding Java Code

Augmenting Parser - Adding Java Code

Consider previous example where we learnt how to generate a Lexical Analyser and Parser with JavaCC. Today we are going to discuss, how to augment BNF productions with Java code? Later it will be included in the generated methods.

To do so we have to change Basic.jj specification
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Saturday, 19 November 2016

Java Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Java in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Java Syntax Object Oriented Language, Methods, Overriding, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Packages, Collections, Networking, Multithreading, Generics, Multimedia, Serialization, GUI, RMI, JOGL, Graphics, 2D Graphics, and 3D Graphics. Learn Java with Coding Guru by visiting links given bellow.

Introduction to Java

Modern Java IDE's
Set Java Class Path and Run from Command Prompt
How to setup eclipse Why Java?

Java Basics

Data Types
Variable or Fields
Type Casting
Manipulating Strings
Selection Statements
Iterations / Loops Creating a Method
Method Overloading

Objects and Classes

Define Classes and Objects
Primitive Type vs Reference Type Constructors
Instance and Static Variables & Methods
Garbage Collection Immutable Classes and Objects
Scope of Variables
Modifier Arrays
Array of Objects Pass by reference vs Pass by value
this keyword
Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Lookup
Method Overriding
Casting Objects
instanceof Operator
Constructor Chaining using this and super keyword
Association in java classes
Object class / Default superclass
Abstract classes & Methods
Packages JAR Utility and running archived projects
Nested classes
final keyword

Network Programming - Socket and threads Programming

Client – Server application using socket
Threads in Java – Part I
Threads in Java – Part II
Synchronized methods and blocks -I
Synchronized methods and blocks -II
Synchronized methods and blocks -III
Static Synchronized Methods

Multimedia Programming using Java Media Framework

Customize and use BookClasses in eclipse
Manipulating Pictures in Java- II
Manipulating color and pixel
Increase and decrease RGB colors
Lightening and Darkening picture
Create a negative image
Creating grayscale image of original picture
Mirroring an image Vertical
Mirroring image horizontally
Edge Detection using Java
Sepia toned and Posturize pictures
Highlighting Extremes
Manipulating Sounds
Changing the volume ( amplitude ) of sounds
Normalizing Sounds

Miscellaneous Topics

Run another application
Inter process Communication using Bounding Buffer

Java Projects

SRS – Server Side Code Part 1
SRS – Server Side Code Part 2
SRS – Server Side Code Part 3  

Last updated on 11/20/2016

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Monday, 14 November 2016

Monday, 7 November 2016

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Friday, 4 November 2016

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Monday, 31 October 2016

PHP - Introduction

PHP - Introduction

What is PHP

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development. PHP was developed by Rasmus Lerdrof in 1994.

Here are some features of PHP that makes it one of the popular languages in world of web development.

  • PHP is capable of managing dynamic content, databases, session tracking, e-commerce sites and  web applications.

  • It is very easy language for beginners  but have also offers a lot of advanced features for professional programmers.

  • PHP scripts run on server.

  • PHP is an open source programming language.

  • It is widely used with MySQL database but can also be integrated with other popular databases including  PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.

  • PHP supports all major web servers including Apache and IIS etc.

  • Major protocols like POP3, IMAP, and LDAP.  are supported by PHP

  • PHP can run on all major platforms like Linux, Windows  and Mac.

What are common uses of PHP.

PHP can produce dynamic content. Unlike HTML static pages when some visitor access a PHP based site for example it a user access  Facebook (which is a dynamic  web site), she is presented with new content every time consisting of updates, message and shared content from other users.  HTML or a static site cannot do this.

We can quickly develop fairly large  web applications written in PHP

PHP can open,read, write, files on the server. It can collect from based data, read and write cookies, insert and read data from a  database and a lot of other functionality that we will discuss and perform in upcoming posts.

Installing PHP

PHP can be installed on windows, Linux and Mac Operating Systems.

We need a Wen server, PHP it self and a DBMS like MySql to start working on PHP.

For installing all of these software we will use WAMP (Apache, Mysql, PHP on Windows OS). you can download this software from

Instruction  to WAMP.

"WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases."

Installation instructions are given on Wamp web site as allows.

  • Double click on the downloaded file and just follow the instructions. Everything is automatic. The WampServer package is delivered with the latest releases of Apache, MySQL and PHP.

  • Once WampServer is installed, you can add other releases by downloading them on this website. They will then appear in the WampServer menu and you will be able to switch releases with a simple click.

  • Each release of Apache, MySQL and PHP has its own settings and its own files (data for MySQL).

Using WampServer

  • The “www” directory will be automatically created (usually c:\wamp\www)

  • Create a subdirectory in “www” and put your PHP files inside.

  • Click on the “localhost” link in the WampSever menu or open your internet browser and go to the URL : http://localhost

We will start learning PHP  from next post in this series