Variables / Fields in Java
Declaring Variables
Before using any variable, give it a name and data type. This is known as declaring a variable. The syntax for declaring a variable is
dataType indentifier;
dataType identifier1, identifier2,.......;
Java objects stores states in fields. Java programming
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Saturday, 18 February 2017
Operators in Java
Operators in Java
In my previous article i explained, how to declare and initialize variables. In this article, i will explain how to perform different operations on them. Java operators are special symbols used to perform specific operations on one, two or three operands and returns the result.
Read More about it from the following link : posted by Gul
Type Casting in Java
Type Casting in Java
This tutorial covers only primitive data type casting which explains converting a value of type double to an int or an int to a double. Casting Object / reference variable will be covered in next tutorial.
Numerical data are called primitive data types
Objects are called reference
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HTML5 - An Introduction
HTML5 - An Introduction
HTML5 is the fifth version and latest standard from W3C. It is not just confined to a mark up language, infact HTML5 is the combination of HTML5 elements, CSS3 style and JavaScript animations. It has many new features which provide not only media support but also enhance support for
Read More about it from the following link : posted by Heera Rasheed
Strings in Java
Strings in Java
Representing a set of characters altogether, we can define the data type String is used. For example, Following line declares and initialize a String has an initial value "Welcome to Java" String str = "Welcome to Java";
String is predefined java class same like System,
Read More about it from the following link : posted by Gul